José Carles, incluido entre las 15 “rising stars” del mundo en insolvencia internacional
El International Insolvency Institute (III) acaba de anunciar los nuevos miembros de su programa NextGen Leadership Program que selecciona a las 15 rising stars del mundo en insolvencia internacional. Nuestro socio fundador José Carles figura entre ellos, dentro de la selecta Clase IX (New York) que “represent the best of the future experts in international insolvency”.
Lograr este nombramiento supone haber pasado un exhaustivo proceso que se inicia con la nominación de los candidatos por parte de los miembros del International Insolvency Institute, su aprobación por el Comité Ejecutivo y, finalmente, el reconocimiento del Comité Directivo.
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Como indica la noticia, “the NextGen leadership programme seeks to recognise the most prominent “rising stars” in the international insolvency area”. Sobre nuestro socio José Carles destaca, entre otras cuestiones, su “extensa experiencia internacional en reestructuraciones y concursos de acreedores transfronterizos” en los siguientes términos:
José Carles of CARLES | CUESTA Abogados
Carles is the co-founder of Spanish boutique CARLES | CUESTA Abogados.
He has extensive international experience in cross-border restructuring and was included among GRRs “Names to Know” in Spain earlier this year.
In 2019 Carles became the first non-American recognised as an “Emerging Leader in Insolvency Practice” by the American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI).
He has been acting for French telecom company Sopra Steria as an unsecured creditor of Simosa IT, a subsidiary of Spanish renewable energy group Abengoa, which it forced into insolvency in 2018.
Prior to starting Carles Cuesta Abogados, he worked in Garrigues’ restructuring and insolvency practice in Madrid and UBS Investment Bank in London.
“I have always thought that working with members of the III was a guarantee of success, because they have proved to be the very best in the international insolvency arena,” says Carles.
“I firmly believe in the value of diversity, and the international collaboration within the III is already enriching me both professionally and personally,” Carles adds.
“I am well aware that with acknowledgment comes responsibility,” he says. “After joining the III NextGen program, part of my responsibility is to foster the talent of other younger professionals in international insolvency and restructuring, as other III members have already done with me.”