Insolvency Tech & Digital Assets (INSOL Europe), copresidido en Copenhague por uno de nuestros abogados

Inaugural meeting of the new IT&DA wing (Eurofenix)

Eurofenix, la revista especializada en reestructuraciones e insolvencias a nivel europeo, se hace eco de la reunión de la Sección de Tecnología, Insolvencias y Activos Digitales de INSOL Europe en Copenhague (Dinamarca), de la que nuestro abogado y socio José Carles es uno de los fundadores y copresidentes desde su creación en abril de 2o19.

El artículo, disponible en 2020.01.31 Eurofenix 78 (Insolvency Tech & Digital Assets Wing), comentaba el futuro de esta sección especializada en la vertiente tecnológica de los concursos de acreedores e insolvencias transfronterizas. Especialmente, de las criptomonedas como el bitcoin, en los siguientes términos:

“During the Annual Congress in Copenhagen the newly formed INSOLVENCy TECH & DIGITAL ASSETS wing had the pleasure to conduct their first meeting. The meeting was attended by more than 20 members who showed their enthusiasm to participate in a wing which is answering the needs and expectation of IPs, lawyers and insolvency professionals in the present-day business and legal environment.

The participants debated the following ideas in order to determine the future focus of the wing:

• Anticipating the future insolvency-tech environment
• Sharing knowledge with IPs (Insolvency Holders Forum)
• Finding affordable insolvency-tech tools regarding search of data/investigation of digital assets (relevant to both creditors and IPs)
• Coordinating with the Anti-Fraud Forum
• Advising start-ups in order to help them prevent their risk of insolvency
• Complying with GDPR and “right to be forgotten” issues related to insolvency
• Discussing and explaining cryptocurrency related issues
• Recommending software related to insolvency (not general insolvencytech, as this would be too broad).

Si tenéis interés en la actividad desarrollada por INSOL Europe y su Sección de Tecnología, Insolvencias y Activos Digitales (Insolvency Tech & Digital Assets) podéis contactar directamente con nuestro socio José Carles.

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